sábado, 10 de setembro de 2011

Insomnia - this zombie feeling

Published in this month's issue of the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry:

Laval University study
Through a survey of 2,000 people across Canada, researchers found 40 per cent of respondents experienced symptoms of insomnia at least three times a week.

Stress and anxiety are the main psychological factors that contribute to insomnia, said Quebec research team. Women during menopause are also at a greater risk of developing insomnia as well as people with a family history of insomnia.

In Portugal, where this problem is also prevalent and major cause of accidents when driving, due to the hazy and zombielike feeling that affects people who can´t sleep well.

To get a glimpse of how to feels like to be sleep deprived, with insomnia as your scary partner, listen to lyrics of this Archive song, SLEPP, fom Noise Album.

1 comentário:

  1. Clara
    Estava a mandar-te um convite mas veio devolvido. Ainda tenho o teu da Oniduo que pelos vistos está desactualizado. Aqui fica o convite. beijos


