terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2016

Tributo a Bowie

David Bowie (1947 - 2016)
10 de Janeiro: o dia em que escrevi e partilhei este 'post'

Hoje, aproprio-me do título de José Luis Peixoto. "Morreste-me". Hoje, como ontem e amanhã, habitas em mim. Em adolescente, encantava-me com “We can be heroes, just for one day” e questionava-me, contigo, em dias sombrios, sobre se haveria vida em Marte. Rendi-me muitas noites ao teu “Absolute Begginners”, a “Changes”, a “Modern Love”.

Fascinavam-me as tuas metamorfoses, a disrupção (palavra que tanto se usa hoje). Os olhos felinos, cada um de sua cor. A sobriedade britânica. O impacto emocional daquela performance no filme “Fome de Viver” ou do tema “This is not America”. Mas era o poderoso “Putting Out Fire” (banda sonora do filme “Cat People”) que me provocava arrepios. Quase tantos como “Under Pressure”.
Se tivesse que eleger uma das canções a que mais volto, em adulta, não teria dúvidas. Volto sempre ao teu magnífico “Wild is the wind”. Esse lugar seguro, onde lembro a mim mesma: “Don't you know, you're life itself?”
Somos todos criaturas do vento. Os visionários, sobretudo. Capazes de compor um “Space Oddity”. Mantiveste secreta a tua batalha final. Fizeste-me sentir um estranho abalo ao ouvir “Lazarus”, do álbum Blackstar, Era noite e eu conduzia até casa.
Cumpriste o destino das estrelas que, como as velas, brilham e são luz até ao fim. “Planet Earth is blue and there´s nothing I can do”. Por isso, David, ou melhor, Pássaro Azul (tu, que já foste tantos outros), estou grata pelo teu legado à Humanidade. E vem-me esta vontade de desejar-te uma boa viagem interestelar, no registo em que me ensinaste: “Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare / Check ignition, and may God's love be with you”.

David Bowie (1947 - 2016)
January 10th: the day I wrote and shared this 'post'

Today, I make mine José Luis Peixoto book title. “You died on me”. Today, as yesterday and tomorrow, you live inside me. As a teenager, I was enchanted by "We can be heroes, just for one day" and in dark days, I questioned, like you did, if there was life on Mars. For many nights I surrendered to your "Absolute Beginners", to "Changes", to "Modern Love".
I was fascinated by your metamorphosis, by the disruption (word most used nowadays). By the cat's eyes, each of his color. By the British sobriety. By that performance in the movie "The Hunger" or the theme "This is not America" produced an emotional impact on me. But it was the powerful "Putting Out Fire" (soundtrack of the film "Cat People") which caused me chills. Almost as many as "Under Pressure".
If I had to choose one of the songs to which I return more often, I´d have no doubts. I always come back to your beautiful "Wild is the wind". This safe place where I remind myself, "Don’t you know, you're life itself?" We are all creatures of the wind. Visionaries, in particular. Those who have the ability to compose a "Space Oddity". So, you've kept secret your final battle. You´ve made me feel a strange shock while hearing "Lazarus", from the Blackstar album. It was night and I was driving home.

You fulfilled the destiny of the stars. Like the candles, they shine and light till the end. "Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do." So, David, or better saying, Blue Bird (you, who were so many others), I am grateful for your legacy to mankind. And now comes this will to wish you a good interstellar trip, in the register you´ve taught me: "Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare / Check ignition, and may God's love be with you."

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