quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2011

The good couple

For ever is a uncertain word. Never is another.
To be a couple is a joint decision. To be in a couple is a whole new chapter.
To be in implies a will, but also the knowledge of one self, and the knowledge of the other.
Without sun glasses on. And according to the reality principle, apart from the fairy tales ideal.
To grow together, is the favorite definition of a couple spirit, as the psychotherapist and writer Jorge Bucay describes it.
To feel as couple, is to fit in that special place where one feels understood and recognised as a self, with all its beauty and beast factors. That special place where one can accept the good - and the bad times - of the other. And where both have a sense of respect and purpose.
Its a demandinf and challenging goal, for sure. Two heads can think and do better than one, but only if both hearts experience the freedom to get closer and distant now and then, in the long run.
Racionality and affection may conflict, but not necessarily break.
The balance between these poles is an art. And an artist is, by definition, open to the possibility, not the limits, or the efforts to attain it.